Wednesday 7 August 2013

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, Mohon Maaf Zahir & Batin

Liqui Moly would like to wish you a Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri and Mohon Maaf Zahir & Batin. In this festive month, no doubt that many of you are heading back to your hometown. Therefore, we would like to give you several tips on how to prepare your car to be ready for the long journey so that you can have a wonderful holiday with your family and friends.

1. Before you go:
    1. Make sure you change your oil – Use Liqui Moly motor oil products to get the best performance.
    2. Make sure you check your tire pressure.
    3. Make sure you check your engine condition & other parts of your car.
    4. Make sure you check the condition of your spare tire.
    5. Make sure you have all the documents ready for your travel – Driving License, Insurance, Road Tax, and Car Manuals.
    6. Make sure you have or know a phone number to call in case of emergency/break down.
    7. If you have a GPS, bring it along. If you don’t, please buy one. It is a good investment.
    8. Make sure you car has safety triangles, first aid kits, car jack & other tools.
    9. Learn how to change tires if you don’t know it yet. 
2. During the trip:
    1. Obey all traffic rules.
    2. Do not speed.
    3. Avoid any road rage – even though is the other people faults, let it go. You don’t want other people faults to ruin your Hari Raya celebration.
    4. Make sure you have enough water & food in the car.
    5. Do not take shortcuts that you are not familiar with.
    6. Enjoy the drive.
3. In case of a break down:
    1. Do not panic.
    2. If you are able to pull over, pull over slowly by using your hazard lights. If you are not able to pull over, be cautious when stopping in the middle of the road. When possible, push your vehicle to the side of the road.
    3. Assess the situation. Determine if the situation is serious or not.
    4. If you think you can handle the situation, handle it by following the procedure, refer to the car manual.
    5. If you can’t handle the situation, call the number that you have, be it friends or family, or the emergency hotline provided by your car dealer.
    6. Know where you are. Identify any landmarks so that people can find you.
4. In case of an accident:
    1. Assess the situation. If you are not injured, go to the other party and see if they need any help.
    2. If any of you suffer serious injury, call an ambulance right away.
    3. If not then discuss with the other party about the accident. Avoid getting into a fight.
    4. Call police to assess the accident if necessary.
    5. If you car is badly damaged, call a tow truck or emergency number that you have.
Last but not least, enjoy your journey and have a nice holiday!

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